Five Important Measurement Tools For Every Workshop

When you’re thinking about the tools that you need to buy for your workshop, new measurement tools may not be the first thing that springs to mind. For many people, they are just an afterthought. However, note that even the smallest mistake, when it comes to measurement, can ruin the project. This is why you need to have measurement as well as layout tools that are of good quality.

When you invest in good quality Measurement tools, you also ensure that they stay with you for many years in the future.

So what are the five measurement tools that you need?

  1. Tape Measure

A tape measure that is worn usually signifies that there was a builder using it, who worked very hard. A good tape measure usually comes with a sturdy hook. This should be capable of moving. You should be able to extend as well as retract the tape without facing problems.

The best tape measure you can get is one that is of 25 feet. This measuring tool extends just as much as you need it to. You’ll be able to measure extended lengths, and the tape measure also won’t feel like a brick to carry.

The tape measure you choose should also be durable. You’ll probably end up wearing down the tape measure, after years and years of use. And a good tape measure is one that’s able to stay durable for at least that long.

  1. Speed Square

A speed square is something that is popular among carpenters, as well as those interested in DIYs. This is as with a speed square, you essentially get five tools in the same place. These include the try square, the protractor, the miter square, the saw guide, as well as the line scriber.

The markings that are on your speed square are meant to last. This means that you can continue to use the same speed square for many many years. This is also a tool that is both light as well as strong. When it comes to the most important measuring tools to add to your workshop, this tool is certainly an important one.

  1. Protractor

A protractor is an important measurement tool that you’ll can’t do without. When you use a protractor, you’re able to immediately tell what angle you need to place your saw miter at.

In order to use your protractor, you’ll need to place the two legs it has, on to the two surfaces. Then, you’ll need to note what angle it makes. This will tell you at what angle your miter saw should be placed in.

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  1. Mechanical Carpenter’s Pencil

If you need to mark lumber, then you’ll find that a simple pencil just isn’t good enough. It won’t leave the marks you’re looking for, and finding those marks again when you make your cuts could be hard.

This is why you’ll need a carpenter’s pencil. You could opt for a traditional carpenter’s pencil, but this could require you to regularly sharpen that pencil using a knife. You can alternatively get a carpenter’s pencil that’s mechanical instead. This way, just by pressing down on one button, you’ll be able to extend the lead as and when you need it.

  1. Laser Measure

The fifth and final measurement tool that you should absolutely have is a laser measure. Whether you’re a carpenter or a designer, a contractor or an architect, this is one tool that you should have. Even homeowners could consider having a laser measure handy, as you can measure distances of up to fifty feet with this.

You can consider investing in a laser measure that comes with the feature called ‘continuous measurement’. This will provide you with instant results in real time, no matter where you choose to point this measurement tool.


If you want to build the perfect workshop for yourself, then you’ll need to include the essential measurement tools as well. From tape measures all the way to laser measures, these were the five measurement tools you need to have in your workshop.

Not only are these tools used very often, when you invest in good quality tools, they can last for a longer period of time as well. Avoid buying cheaper quality tools as you may end up needing to purchase them again and again. Use this guide to learn which measurement tools are essential for you to have in your workshop.